Paget Primary School
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Previous Guestbook Comments

My child who is new to this school has progressed with his learning and has gained a lot of confidence and has settled in well.

I highly recommend this school to all parents who would love their child to do well also.

Thank you very much to Mr Harris and all the other teachers and staff members for giving our children confidence to have the ability learn more and for keeping our children happy and safe. Great school

Rating: Excellent

Abena Blake

23 July 2022

Hey guys daisy here i’m missing you guys at Paget so much. Been a couple of years since i was there now.

Rating: Excellent

Daisy Allen

15 Jul 2021

I want to say today was beautiful .Year 5 production was a credit to the school really loved it thank you for a lovely time well done to our school.

Rating: Excellent

Cathy Hollus

28 Mar 2018

Retired Engineer living in Ontario, Canada and Arizona, USA. Went to Paget Primary and Secondary 1946 to 1956. Lived at 5 Westmead Crescent. Mother worked at Friers shop in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s untill it closed. Still see the old school every year when I return to visit my mother who in July will be 105. Great memories but not many school pals left. Any out there please contact me as I will be back there this coming July (

Rating: Excellent

Michael Walker

22 Mar 2018

I literally cannot thank Miss Spiers and Miss Green enough, they are an absolute asset to the school.The confidence my son has gained is amazing and most of all they have made him believe in himself. It is going to be so sad to see my son leave this school because and leave behind all the teachers who have been brilliant while he has been at Paget.

Rating: Excellent


22 Jun 2017

The progress my children at are making at Paget is astounding. All teachers are really committed and fantastic – I feel very content leaving them in their capable hands! Reception class Phonics was brilliant – thanks to Miss Roberts for holding it.

Rating: Excellent

Heather Rugg-Davies

01 Oct 2016

Had my sons ITP this afternoon. His progress in Panthers has been tremendous! An enormous thank you Paget Primary, especially to Mrs Yarnold and Mrs Lovell for all your support and dedication which has made not just an educational difference but a huge difference in his social and emotional wellbeing. I’ll be eternally grateful.

Rating: Excellent

Clare Atkins

08 Jul 2016

Yesterday I attended the Father’s Day event with 3W and I have to a massive ‘thank you’ to all concerned. It was/is a brilliant idea and I had a great time sitting with my daughter and completing the tasks provided (the buffet wasn’t bad either!). A simple idea that means so much to parents and students alike. Keep up the fantastic work.

Rating: Excellent

Dean Daniels

21 Jun 2016

I am an old student and really miss my primary school. I went there to see my old teachers the other day and i was pleased to see them. It’s an amazing school and i wish i could work there when i am older! thanks for having me paget!

Rating: Excellent

Isabelle Rogers

18 Jun 2016

I attended the Reception classes visit to the Botanical Gardens yesterday. The children were an absolute pleasure to be with, polite, knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Their behaviour was impeccable. The visit was well organised, and the staff involved were excellent in supporting the learning that went on, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and would be willing to volunteer again!

Rating: Excellent

Chris Niblett

22 Mar 2016

I was at this school a couple of years ago and I just wanted to say this is an amazing school and that I would recommend it.

Rating: Excellent

Liam Clifford-Naylor

02 Jun 2015

I would like to express my grateful thanks to Haidera for her consideration and kindness when she noticed that I was unwell as she drove along Middle Road today. Please pass on my grateful thanks and tell her that I am well. To have such considerate staff must be a real bonus to your school. Thank you.

Rating: Excellent

Isobel Dawson

18 Sep 2014

Quite by accident I logged on to your website. I attended Paget Road Secondary Modern School (as it was then called) from infants until seniors. I left in 1952. I moved away from Birmingham some 50 years ago and rarely get back now due to health reasons. It was lovely to be taken back to those days and to see the school is still there. We lived on Pype Hayes Road and later on Hollydale Road from where I got married and moved away. The majority of my school friends lived on Westmead Crescent and the area close to the school.You have a beautiful school and I am sure the pupils are as happy as we were then. Every success for the future.

Rating: Excellent

Margaret Hill (formerly Sibberts)

19 Aug 2014

Well, I was scouting online for Paget Primary in Bermuda and pleaasantly came across your delightful school. I am a semi retired Primary School principal of 16 years from Bermuda who now substitutes part time. My last assignment was at Paget Primary. I will follow your development and if I land in Birmingham will contact you for a visit. Do have a happy New Year.

Rating: Excellent

Cathy Bassett

30 Dec 2013

Thank you for the grandparents dinner it was excellent (Hayden Young year 1S).

Rating: Excellent

Mr S Young

22 Jan 2013

This website is fantastic. It’s easy to navigate and is very informative. My 3 kids currently attend Paget and love it. Not looking forward to my daughter leaving at the end of this academic year.

Rating: Excellent

Daksha Patel

12 Dec 2012

Congratulations to the Paget Primary school children who have been singing their song about voting and how it is our right, so stand up and be counted. What a wonderful lesson for our young. Congratulations to the teachers and especially to the person who came up with this idea. Job well done. We have no right to complain if we do not vote. So let’s all stand up and be a part of the solution. From a sixth generation Bermudian, who loves her island.

Rating: Excellent

Judy Corday

05 Dec 2012

Have just been to watch year 6’s leavers assembly and have to say that they did both themselves and the school extreamly proud. well done to all involved, hope that each of you enjoy your journey that lies ahead and that you remember all the fun that you had at this school.

Rating: Very Good

Jodie Merryweather

18 Jul 2012

I’ve just looked at your website and think it’s great. We have one of your old teachers on our staff – Miss Horley. She’s wonderful and speaks very fondly of her time at Paget. Some of you might remember her.

Rating: Excellent

Lin Avery

25 May 2012

It’s a great looking web and full of useful information. Loving all the photos in the events pages.

Rating: Excellent

D Miller

19 Apr 2012

It is very gratifying to know that the school that stood me in good stead is still doing an excellent job. It is unrecognisable to me, except for the basic building; I was there from 1939 to 1945. The facilities far outshine those of my era. I remember the headmistress, Miss Evans and Mr ‘Poppy’ Sutton who taught me to swim and got me through the 11+ exam to Grammar School. I like your web page, so bright and cheerful, as the pupils appear to be. Keep up the good work.

Rating: Excellent

Clive P McLeod

26 Feb 2012

My son currently goes to Paget, and what a great school it is, and most of all he enjoys going to school.

Rating: Excellent

Naomi Wilkes

22 Feb 2012

Was great to look through the website nice to see all the things that is going on in the school. Website looks really good.

Rating: Excellent


01 Feb 2012

I was really impressed with the politeness of the children I met on my brief visit.

Rating: Excellent

Matt Shinn

01 Feb 2012

My daughter who is 21 went to Paget and her four sisters followed her. I have one daughter left there but I must say that school has improved over the years and is doing very well.

Rating: Excellent

Lexus Anderson

28 Jan 2012

I miss the school. I had many good times here.

Rating: Excellent

Bailey Pugh

18 Jan 2012

I like the web site very good.

Rating: Excellent

Karen Yates

16 Jan 2012